


Laurel - Fire Breather / 蘿爾 - 噴火者,中文歌詞

  Town crier, village flyer 鄉村小鎮裡 一堆傳單在亂飛 Got a skull and crossbones on his chest 他胸前的鎖骨太性感了 And I can't resist 當他看起來那麼誘人 When he looks like this 我已經不能抗拒這股誘惑了 All his other girls 他身邊的所有女孩 Face on magazines 每個都像雜誌上的模特兒有著藍色大眼睛 Big blue eyes, oh I don't know what it means, no 喔,我不懂這個意思,不,我的意思是 What does he want from me?  他怎麼會選擇我?他想要我的什麼? We're hanging in the bars 我們兩人浸泡在酒吧 Running after cars to get home 然後再乘著跑車回家 Wishing on the stars, wonder what you are 我對著星星許願,希望我能更了解你 I just don't know, he's beautiful 因為我很疑惑啊,你看起來是那麼的帥氣 Maybe he shines a little more than me 而且你看起來比我還要閃亮耀眼 No, it's too much, burn my sun 不,太多了,這股亮光燒毀了我的太陽 Up in flames we go you Fire Breather 我沉浸在你帶來的火焰裡 Ash and dust on my door, smoke rise 灰燼和灰塵在門上,煙霧起起伏伏 Trying to survive inside your heart 我在這大火裡面,試圖在你心裡生存著 Fire Breather, breath in fire into 你是個噴火者,我用著火在呼吸 Fire Breather, trying to survive inside your heart 你太閃耀了,我就像在閃耀的光下依靠著你 Flame thrower, at the show 丟


Karliene - Become the Beast / 卡莉亞 - 成為野獸吧,中文歌詞